This article serves as an inquiry into the nature of human beings, and the difficulty strife and struggle that plagues the majority of our modern culture.

Over the years that I have been serving in the space of transformative life coaching here in Phoenix and I have become acutely aware of a common aspect of mindset that pervades within a large percentage of the population living in the modern world. A certain frame work of beliefs that creates an externally reality of lack and limitation, causing life to be something that needs to be survived rather than one to be thrived.

It is in the nature of my work to help my clients expand beyond their current limitations and as such I have taken interest in this and dove a bit deeper.

Most people have deep within them some beautiful vision or creation that wants to express through them in this life time. This coincides with my belief that all of us exist for our own unique purpose and that our duty is to be a conduit and steward this creation into the world of form. As I see it our mission is to find out the depths of who we are and to express it as a gift to humanity, thus completing our mission. When diving deeper on this topic with my clients and students what I have noticed is that often times the egoic mind begins to speak of limitation. The thinking mind makes its calculations of the world and past experiences, it then begins to dwell on all of the situations and circumstances that would prevent this new creation from happening. A contracted view of reality.

To say this another way, when presensing a desired goal or vision, one is quick to speak of all the ways something cannot happen. They are quick to point out all of the ways something will not work, or obstacles that prevent this new idea from being birthed into the world. What happens then, is that these thoughts are experienced as real and reality begins to contract. “I’m just being realistic” one might say referring to the potentiality of a goal being realized. But I question, what is reality? And what part of you is speaking in terms of what’s “realistic”? Metaphorically, these thoughts of limitation have taken the “wind out of the sails”, deflating the energy needed to move things forward in a meaningful and productive way. This is non powerful of course and must be looked at if we are to live in our truest potential.

“As within, so without”

Science and creation

What we know at this point and what is confirmed by quantum physics is that an unlimited number of potential realities exists. It has also been said in scripture and spoken of by the sages and mystics of the old, that Creation is finished. Everything that ever has been or ever will be already exists, and that the quantum is a field of pure possibility. There is a version of you, the reader, living life exactly the way you desire it to be. It’s the limited human construct and ideology that collapses a field of pure potential into lack, limitation, and impossibility. Of all things that could be, we have through our co-creative ability shrunken our reality and what we can experience. What I know to be true is that our job is to get out of the way and allow a higher Intelligence to guide the ship. To let go and let God so to speak.

The Universe or insert whatever name you have for this Intelligence has ways that you, we, I, know not of. It’s ways are beyond finding out and that the analytical mind steeped in thoughts of limitation cannot begin to comprehend or grasp It’s vastness. There is much more to this human story.

What is one to do? 

Our duty as co-creators must be to tend to the vision, hold the image strongly within the screen of your inner awareness and get the thinking mind out of the way so that Source energy delivers instructions. To step aside from our humanness and allow the Divine Orchestration to take place. What I see often in my clients is that when they surrender, what they call “synchronicities” start to show up. That still inner voice gives them a nudge or idea they never would have come up with or the perfect person shows up in their lives to serve a need relating to the mission. These kinds of things can never be predicted, but it happens with great frequency when we learn to trust that Spirit is for expansion and fuller expression. A degree of faith, for things unseen, must be cultivated of course and it occurs to me that this takes practice, rehearsing new ways of being in relation to existence.

A practice to take with you: As it relates to a creation, goal or vision that you want to bring into being sit in contemplation of it. Notice, if the analytical mind begins to default to dwelling in all the ways this particular goal is impossible, or unlikely to happen. This is not the still inner voice of the Innate Intelligence, this is the voice of the limited ego. Know this. The next step is to begin to ask more useful questions, “how are all of the ways this can happen”, or create your own version that will allow space for the thoughts of the deeper mind to flow through you, and then act on this inspiration.

Healing the limitation comes from restructuring this inner program, this limited story. Every time you become present to these thoughts of limitation and contracted-ness counter them with the opposite. If you can as a co-creator speak limitation into being, you can in fact speak the opposite.

If you made it this far, I commend you and you are already on the path of expansion, keep going.

-Mr. Haines



Let’s Co-Create

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