An inquiry into the nature of Being: It is my intention with this article to express the human predicament, and how our environment impacts our programming and belief systems in the first years of human life.
When we are born into the world we are perfect self expression. We arrive formless and beautiful, we have no construct or understanding of how the world is. We are a clean slate, ready for seeds to be planted in the fertile soil of our developing minds. We are given a model in which to make meaning of our existence, learning what it is to be human. Have you ever noticed that when staring into the eyes of a newborn a look of awe that feels present in their being as this tiny little human creature takes in its environment for the first time? As this child grows a bit older, it starts to develop more mental faculties, they continue their training in somebody-ness. Caretakers facilitate it’s growth teaching it how to be, providing form, rules and constructs in which to live by. Maybe you have even witnessed the souls rebellion against the ridiculous rules of human when observing as a young toddler throws a tantrum in disagreement.
The curriculum continues.
As we get older and deepen into somebody training we are continually developed as separate beings. Slowly loosening our grip from the Beloved through our ever developing attachments to ego structure. We are given a name, a religion, a social identity, all through which we begin to identify with. We are really becoming somebody. A child’s mind is fertile like the earth, it does not care what you plant, it will return what you plant but it matters not what is planted. The child without question accepts these truths, many of which are rooted in limitation. These projections of the parents lens and perception of life continues to be passed down generation to generation. “I sound just like my mother/father”, an experience that many have later in life that presents evidence of this conditioning. In this path of developmental maturity, we start to become one with our ways of being. Lost in the program if you will, we just show up how we show up and think nothing more about it. We say things like, “this is just the way I am”. But is it? Or, are our personalities malleable? What I can tell you from personal experience through the years of transformative coaching, and the new science of human potential is that it points towards the latter. We can become anyone we want to be.
A metaphor to contemplate this concept deeper
Relating to the constriction of these limiting thoughts we begin to believe, let us bring to mind the image of a pipe in an old house, let’s say a sink drain. Over the years deposits are made in the piping and little by little the flow of water becomes restricted. Relating this to humans, these fears, unprocessed traumas, and limiting beliefs begin to deposit into the psyche, creating density. And just like the old pipe, the flow within our inner landscape begins to restrict choking off our power and connection to the Truth. This constricting begins to narrow our world view as to what is possible to create. The truth is that an unlimited number of potential realities exist for every human, and yet all of that potential is constricted by this limited lens of perception that has become installed throughout the years.
“A fish doesn’t know it’s in water until it is taken out”
Perhaps one day we wake up, we have an experience that there is something more to this whole game of life. Perhaps we have profound insight and see within, to the Truth. With an ever deepening awareness that we are the fish in the water of social conditioning, we recognize the need to and our ability to take ourselves out of the water. We begin to choose differently. Maybe we begin to feel the deep soul pull, that we are called to give a greater and higher gift, our world begins to expand. We begin to resist the way society says we should be. As we begin to have a more in depth taste of this dharma, Creation itself begins to have its way with us.
Life as a game, a devotion to the evolution of Being.
The process of stepping into our power, of becoming the creator of our life experience is a process of Self realization. Knowingness of the depths that you are, it becomes more increasingly difficult to hang onto the idea that you are just a spectator watching life happen to you. Remembering who you are and what you came here to do requires devotion, and as a result the grip of the old programs and density begins to loosen.
Moving from spectator to creator, people begin to notice you. They sense something different about you, a sensing of the shifting of your inner energies. As you walk in sovereignty the Universe reflects back to you the progress you are making. This new sense of Beingness begins to attract more of what you want. Coincidences, and synchronicity begin to unfold before your eyes as a bi-product of how you are showing up, and the new belief systems you are installing. You begin to see the world as play, a blank canvas with a palette of unlimited colors to express with. A place for you to live in truth.
We are all unique expressions of the Divine, that which animates all of existence. Like the drop that contains the entire ocean, we are not separate from Source. We have just forgotten in our upbringing and the building of the intellectual egoic mind. It is of the utmost importance to choose your evolutionary path, I urge you, because as one brightens that internal light, a ripple effect causes small shifts in the world. Can you imagine a new version of humanity where every Being is tuned into and living from their hearts, speaking an acting with love. Seeing no separation. The world needs it, it needs YOU living in your power. My desire is for you to choose the ever unfolding expansion into the true nature of your Being.
With Love, Mr. Haines